Jeff Brill
Unit 4, 227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany
位于Red Beach,占地809平米上下,3卧室2卫浴海景房。房屋建于1970年代,坚固实用,站在北向的阳台上,您可以欣赏海湾落日的美景。 Location and elevation cannot be created – this private, quiet 809sqm section has both and these views cannot be built out – picture yourself entertaining family and guests on the north facing balcony and watching the sun set…
65 Marellen Drive, Red Beach
3 2 809㎡
【已售】位于11 Fernly Rise和118 Joseph St, Flatbush两套新房由著名的建造商EQ Homes建造,该建造商已在该区域完成了近300套房屋的建设。主卧能看到奥克兰市区全景,4卧室,2卫浴,主卧带独立卫浴。一车库一车位,庭院草坪设有混凝土车道,方便停车。 此外您还可以选择购地建房,私人定制您的理想住宅,地块价格42万纽币起。
11 Fernly Rise, Flat Bush, Flat Bush
4 2